Horse Drawn Carriage Rides

$10/person, not included in admission. No advance purchase required. Grab a hot drink and enjoy the festive outdoors on a horse-drawn carriage through the farm.  Masks required. All COVID protocols and safety guidelines will be strictly followed. Join in the fun,...

Story Time with the Animals

Included in admission. Enjoy a socially-distanced traditional holiday children’s story, highlighting an animal with meet and greet. Join in the fun, check out Christmas at the Farm

Jolly Good Time Kids’ Activities

Sunday, December 6, Activities Include: Animal Adventures: Camels, kangaroos, alpacas, zebras and more – Learn and experience the love and joy these animals bring everyday, included in admission Pony Rides: Guided pony rides on the farm, $7/ride, no advance...

Christmas at the Farm Holiday Festivities

Doors open on Sunday 11:30 am – 6 pm Free admission Let’s get merry on the farm. Holiday festivities for the whole family. Pony rides, vendors, children’s story time, animal adventure, carriage rides and more. Holiday food menu at our food truck and...

Story Time with the Animals

Included in admission. Enjoy a socially-distanced traditional holiday children story, highlighting an animal with meet and greet. Join in the fun, check out Christmas at the Farm