Gorham Fun Days

Celebrate All Things Gorham at the Farm

Family-friendly festivities all day – please join us on Sunday, July 28th.

Free admission, music, and parking!

The day begins with a 5K run/walk at 9am. By 11am, 3 groups (the Town, Conservation Board, and Historical Society) have coordinated a great day commemorating the past, enjoying the present, and looking to the future here in Gorham. Meet your Town Board members and Employees, learn about the Conservation Board’s efforts to Reduce/Recycle/Re-Use, and the history of our special community and the school’s namesake!

Learn how to handle a fly-fishing rod, about restoring/preserving clean soil & water efforts, how environmental protection steps are being taught at Marcus Whitman, check out tractors and field equipment/machinery of days gone by, discover which invasive species are headed our way, how you can participate in reducing the volume of solid waste going to landfills. Local authors and artists will be showcasing their talents – something for absolutely everyone!

Free hotdog and drink for the first 500 Gorham residents; live music, admission & parking are also free.  Enjoy a snow cone, or an item from Food Lane. Check out our menu HERE

Live Music: Red Means Go (11am – 2pm)



9am  5K Race – Registration required @ https://runsignup.com/Race/NY/Canandaigua/WhitmanToWhitman84

$22.20 for adults (17 and under = free)

11am Free kids Run/Walk

11-4 Multiple partners and vendors welcome you to see the very best about Gorham and what is available to the lucky residents!

Sunday, July 28, 2024
9:00 am