
Deadgrass at Lincoln Hill Farms

Deadgrass ~ a string band adventure through Jerry Garcia’s musical world.

Matt Turk and C Lanzbom joined forces to form Deadgrass, a string band adventure through Jerry Garcia’s musical world. Bassist Dave Richards, banjoist Boo Reiners and fiddler Kensuke Shoji complete this fine group of seasoned pros exploring the life works of Jerry Garcia on the instruments that first inspired him. Deadgrass celebrates and interprets the music of Jerry Garcia, drawing from Old & in the Way, JGB, Jerry’s Jug Band days and the Grateful Dead.

Show Details

Show Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022 | Doors open 5pm | Music begins around 6pm | Advanced Tickets $25.00 | Same day & At the Door Tickets: $35.00 + taxes/fees. Buy early and save.

Guests may bring their own lawn chairs. Times are estimates and are subject to change. Please read about our parking fees and venue polices.  All shows are rain or shine.

Saturday, June 25, 2022
5:00 pm

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